Good things coming
Master Gardeners have a busy week. On March 22, we meet the follies director. This is at the Fletcher Warren Civic Center at 7 pm. The very next day, on the 23rd, at 5:30 pm, the follies auditions will be held at the municipal auditorium. Do your best Fred Astaire, or Ginger Rodgers, as the case may be, and you may get picked.
On March 24th, Master Gardeners have a chance to talk to Doug Welch about the new policy of charging for everything. This begins at 10:30, so don’t be late. We want to hear what he has to say and tell him out take on it He has a radio show at 11:30, so he can’t wait for late comers.
After Dr. Welch is done, we will have our monthly meeting. This will take place at noon and lunch will be potluck.
That ought to keep everyone busy this week. At least it is warm and sunny and some of the flowers have bloomed.